Legal notice - Web Parlem
This website and its mobile application belongs to PARLEM TELECOM COMPANYIA DE TELECOMUNICACIONS SA (hereinafter PARLEM), a company dedicated to the provision of telecommunications services, including the provision of information and telephone assistance services and any electronic communication service. PARLEM està inscrita al Registre Mercantil de Barcelona, Volum 46728, Foli 168, Secció 8, Full 428187 i Inscripció 24.
The NIF of the company is A65851446.
You can contact PARLEM as follows:
Avinguda Diagonal 452, Barcelona Cambra de Comerç Building, Floor 4
08006 - Barcelona
Email address:
Telephone: (+34) 935 995 116
PARLEM informs you that the access and use of the website and all the URLs, subdomains and directories included in it, and its mobile application, as well as the services or contents that through this site are obtainable, are subject to the terms set out and detailed in this Legal Notice, without prejudice to the fact that access to any of these services or contents may require the acceptance of general, particular or additional conditions. Therefore, if the considerations detailed in this Legal Notice are not your consent, please do not use this website or the mobile application, as any use you make of them or the services and content that include will imply acceptance of the legal terms contained in the text of this Legal Notice.
Due to the nature of the Internet, and given the possibility that this page can be accessed from anywhere in the world, the contents as well as the services that PARLEM generally offers through the portal are aimed at customers moving to any country. Notwithstanding the above, when requesting the contracting of any type of services and contents offered, PARLEM reserves the right to refuse the provision of services or the sending of contents, whenever it deems it appropriate.
PARLEM reserves the right to make changes to the website and the mobile application without prior notice in order to update, correct, modify, add, cancel or delete the contents or the design of the website and the mobile application. The services and contents of the website and the mobile application may be updated periodically and as the update of the information is not immediate, we suggest that you always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content collected here. The terms and conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice are subject to change, so we suggest that you review these terms when you visit the website and mobile application again or request a new service. Likewise, this Legal Notice will be understood without prejudice to any other of the General Conditions, and particular ones, that regulate the access to concrete goods and services within the web and the mobile application.
The user of the website and the mobile application, through their access and navigation through them, undertakes to use them in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time, the conditions of navigation established therein, the conditions established in the present Legal Notice, as well as in accordance with morals, generally accepted good customs and public order. The user will be liable to PARLEM and/or third parties for any damage that may be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation.
Accessing and browsing this website and mobile application implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings contained herein. Simple access does not imply the establishment of any kind of relationship between PARLEM and the user.
PARLEM may prohibit access to this website and the mobile application to any user who commits illegal conduct.
The user of this website and the mobile application must refrain, in any case, from deleting, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed on them.
All the contents present on the website and the mobile application, understanding them by way of example and not limited to the design of this website and the mobile application, its source codes, logos, images, melodies, brands and others distinctive signs that appear, belong to their respective authors and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. Its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar action is strictly prohibited except with the express written permission of its creator or owner of the rights. In any case, PARLEM declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. Therefore, if you believe that this site may be violating your rights, please contact PARLEM by filling out the form on the website itself and on the mobile application
In this sense, it is established that the user may use them only for personal and private use and agrees not to use them for commercial purposes or for their exploitation, distribution, reproduction, public communication, technical use of reverse engineering, or to modify, alter them without the corresponding prior written authorization of the holder, except in cases where it is legally permitted
All publications, trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind appearing on this website and in the mobile application are the property of PARLEM or third parties, without it being possible to understand that the use or access to the website and the mobile application assign to the user no right over the aforementioned publications, trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs, or over any of the contents contained therein.
From this website and from the mobile application, PARLEM provides or may provide you with access to other web pages if it considers that they may be of interest to you. The purpose of these links is to make it easier for you to search for resources that may be of interest to you on the Internet. However, these pages do not belong to PARLEM, nor does it revise its contents. Therefore it is not responsible for them, the operation of the linked page or any damage that may arise from accessing or using it. Likewise, PARLEM is fully respectful of the intellectual or industrial property rights that correspond or may correspond to third parties on the web pages and the mobile application to which the aforementioned links refer. Therefore, if you believe that the establishment of these links may be in violation of your rights, please contact PARLEM by filling out the form on the website and the mobile application
In general, the linking of web pages and the mobile application or e-mail addresses to the web and the mobile application is authorized, except in those cases in which, expressly, PARLEM states the opposite. In addition, and in any case to understand this general authorization applicable, these links must necessarily respect the following condition: the establishment of the link will not, in itself, imply any kind of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation. by PARLEM of the page that creates the link. Notwithstanding the above, at any time PARLEM may withdraw the authorization mentioned in the previous paragraph without the need to allege any cause. In this case, the page that made the link must be deleted immediately, as soon as we receive notification of the revocation of the authorization by PARLEM.
PARLEM expressly prohibits the making of framings or the use by third parties of any other mechanism that alters the design, original configuration or web content and the mobile application.
Advertising from PARLEM or third-party advertising companies that we believe may be of interest to you will be placed on the website and mobile application. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Privacy Policy, PARLEM undertakes to not provide your information to advertisers except for anonymous statistical data on the use of the website and the mobile application in order to improve the service and offer products according to user expectations. However, PARLEM informs you that advertisers and providers, through cookies, may have the possibility of obtaining information about you, the uses you make of the services and your movements through the network. As it is not linked to the uses that this information may make of the advertising company, PARLEM is not responsible for the collection of information by these companies. PARLEM may use cookies when a user browses their sites and web pages and the mobile application. Cookies that may be used on sites and web pages and the PARLEM mobile application are associated only with the browser of a specific computer (an anonymous user), and do not themselves provide any personal data of the user. Cookies are for internal purposes only, such as access statistics to this website and the mobile application. The cookies used may not read cookies created by other providers or websites and the mobile application. The user has the ability to configure their browser to be notified on screen of the receipt of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please refer to your browser's instructions and manuals for more information. To use, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by PARLEM.
The user agrees to use the services of the website and the mobile application in accordance with the terms expressed in this Legal Notice, who is responsible for its correct use. The user who acts against the image, good name or reputation of PARLEM, as well as those who use illegally or fraudulently the designs, logos or contents of the website and the mobile application and/or infringe in any way against the rights of intellectual and industrial property of the web page and the mobile application or of the contents and services of the same will be responsible to PARLEM for their actions.
PARLEM has created the website and the mobile application for the promotion of its products and/or services, but it cannot control the use of these in a different way than that provided for in this Legal Notice. Therefore, the correct access and use of the information contained in the website and the mobile application are the responsibility of those who perform these actions, with PARLEM not being responsible for the incorrect, illegal or negligent use that may be committed by the user.
PARLEM provides all the contents of its website and mobile application under certain conditions in good faith, and will make every effort to ensure that they are up-to-date and valid. However, PARLEM cannot assume any responsibility with regard to the use or access made by users outside the scope to which the website and the mobile application are directed, the final responsibility of which will fall on the user. Likewise, PARLEM cannot control the contents that have not been elaborated by it or by third parties fulfilling its order, and for that reason it will not be responsible in any case for the damages, contents and technical unavailability that could be caused by third parties.
PARLEM undertakes to apply, as far as possible, the appropriate measures at its disposal to try to guarantee the user the absence of viruses, worms, trojans, spam, etc. on its website and mobile application. However, these measures are not 100% infallible and, therefore, PARLEM cannot fully ensure the absence of these undesirable elements. Consequently, PARLEM will not be liable for any damages that they may cause to the user.
PARLEM puts the necessary means at its disposal for the continuity of this website and the mobile application and will make every effort to ensure that they are not interrupted, but cannot guarantee the absence of technological errors or the permanent availability of the website and the mobile application or the services they contain. Consequently, no liability is assumed for any damage that may be caused by the lack of availability or access failures caused by disconnections, breakdowns, overloads or network outages not attributable to PARLEM.
The Law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter related to the services of this website and the mobile application, will be those of Spain. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise as a result of the visit to the website and the mobile application or the use of the services that may be offered, PARLEM and the user agree to submit themselves to the judges and courts of Mercantil de Barcelona.